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My palette
The wood sides are useful to contain the paint but aren't necessary.  You can buy a piece of glass (about 11X14 is good), back it with a piece of neutral gray paper or mat board and then with a piece of masonite or thin plywood and then wrap duct tape around the edges to hold it all together.  It is easy to clean with a razor blade scraper and a quick wipe with a little alcohol.


CANVAS - ESSENTIAL -Good quality OIL OR LEAD PRIMED LINEN canvas, or boards.  8 x 10,
9 x 12, 11 x 14 or any small to medium size you are comfortable with.  This is VERY IMPORTANT as you will not be able to apply washes and “lift” paint on cotton or acrylic canvas.  I would recommend Raymar’s ArtFix panels L-64.  They are very good quality linen panels.  Also fine is Centurian OP DLX Pad, 12 x 16 or smaller - these are pads that come with around 10 sheets that you mount on a piece of Masonite with tape - Don't forget the masonite and tape!

Click here for instructions for my "do-it-yourself" panels

MEDIUM - I don’t use much medium, sometimes a little walnut oil.  Anything you like to use is fine..

SOLVENT - Gamsol, with a large container to clean brushes.  It’s very important to keep brushes clean while painting and you cannot do this with a tiny container.

PAPER TOWELS   - VIVA ONLY!!  Please note - Viva is making a new product similar to Bounty.  Make sure you get the old “cloth” type.



PALETTE - a glass palette is highly recommended - Paper palettes make it very difficult to keep your paint clean.  See below for a photo of the palette I use and instructions for making a simple one.

EASEL - I use easels from and

PAINT-  These (plus more) are the paints I use.  If you already have lots of paint, please don’t think you need to go out and buy all of these.  The most important are the Rembrandt Transparent oxide red, Viridian, and Transparent Oxide Brown.

Titanium White - any good brand.

           Rembrandt - viridian, ultramarine deep, cobalt blue light, transparent oxide red, transparent oxide brown,, cad yellow deep. OPTIONAL - stil de grain yellow, transparent yellow green, transparent oxide yellow, ivory black

           Winsor Newton - terra rosa, alizarin permanent, yellow ochre pale, magenta, permanent rose, cad red

Michael Harding -  cad yellow, OPTIONAL - lemon yellow, brilliant pink, King's blue light

Don’t feel you need to buy all these paints, I’m happy to squeeze a little for you to try.

BRUSHES - I only use brushes from Rosemary and Co.  These are a sampling of the brushes I use, - if you have your own GOOD brushes please don’t feel you have to buy anything new.  However, once you’ve tried some of these Rosemary brushes, you will love them!  Really good brushes will make your painting experience so much more fun. 

I have a “brush bundle” with Rosemary and Co. which is a good sampling of my favorites, especially if you add a large soft brush like a series 279 #12.
I will bring a catalog with me.

A recently added series that I like is the Red Dot - a synthetic brush, some brights, angles, and some combers. 

Otherwise, these are currently my favorite series but this is not written in stone since I am constantly discovering new favorites.
Sables - my favorite “detail” brush is Series 33 #3, I also have Series 77, 33, and 91 in various sizes.
Eclipse - long flat combers, small angular, short flats in various sizes
Ivory -long flats and filberts in various sizes and a 3/8” dagger
Badger Blends - Series 274, 278, 279, a variety of flats, filberts, and series 275 - 3/8” angular
Again, buy what you can, you can always add to your collection later.

For Plein Air Classes :
Bug Spray
Stool (optional, for watching demo’s)
Good Plein Air setup - I use Open Box M and EDGE Pro, the sketchbook.
  Please test your setup before the workshop and make sure everything is in good working order - sturdy tripod legs with good catch/release.  Especially if your set up is brand new, it’s a good idea to try it out before the workshop.
I can’t stress enough how important comfort is when painting outside - your equipment will make a difference in having a good experience.

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