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2024 Holiday Studio Sale
Sunflower and Roses, 8 X 9    $500   SOLD
Thanks for visiting my Holiday Studio Sale!
Remember, 10% of all sales will go
to benefit World Central Kitchen,
one of the hardest working organizations I know of.

Shipping to mainland US is $15.

To purchase by check or Venmo please
email kathy@kathyandersonstudio.com
or DM me on IG or FB
for credit card, use the link below the painting title.
Snow in Summer, 9 X 12    $700
Orange Daylilies, 12 X 9    $500    SOLD
Mixed Dahlias, 9 X 12    $700   SOLD
Anemones, 8 X 12    $600    SOLD
Bouganvilla, 9 X 12    $600   SOLD
Montana Landscape, 10 X 8    $500
Mountain Laurel in Ruby, 11 X 14    $1,000
Purchase by Credit Card Purchase by Credit Card Purchase by Credit Card Purchase by Credit Card Purchase by Credit Card Purchase by Credit Card Purchase by Credit Card Purchase by Credit Card